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Introducing the ABL GUI Designer : Reference : GUI Designer dialogs : AppBuilder dialogs : Query Builder dialogs : Query Builder Dialog Box -- Options Mode
Query Builder Dialog Box -- Options Mode
The Query Builder dialog in Options mode allows you to modify the query attributes listed below and query tuning parameters for the selected query.
Note: Query tuning parameters are used to fine-tune query performance. This option is available only with non-OpenEdge databases. Please refer to your data server documentation for more information on this topic.
Access this mode by selecting Options on the Query Builder dialog.
This dialog includes the following options:
Displays the Column Editor dialog which allows you to specify which fields to display in the browse.
Note: This option is only available when editing a query associated with a browse widget.
Lists the current tables in the selected query.
Lists the find parameter for table in the selected row. Use to the set the find parameter for a table to FIND EACH, FIND FIRST, or FIND LAST. The default is FIND EACH. You can double-click in this field to cycle through the valid choices or press 'E', 'F' or 'L' to select Find Each, Find First or Find Last, respectively.
Lists whether the joins for the tables in the selected row are inner joins or outer joins. Use to set the join type for a table to inner or outer. The default join type is inner. You can double-click to cycle through the valid choices or press 'I' for Inner or 'O' for Outer.
Lists what fields the selected query will return for each table. Use to set the fields in the Field-List for a table to All Fields or Fields Used. When you select Fields Used, the query returns only those fields in the FIELDS-IN-QUERY preprocessor list. The default is All Fields. You can double-click to cycle through the valid choices or press 'A' for All Fields or 'F' for Fields Used.
Query Tuning Options
Enter ABL code in this editor to specify query tuning parameters for the selected query. It is recommended to reference an include file so that all queries in an application can be easily modified by modifying the contents of the include file instead of referencing this dialog for each query.
Select this check box to add the Key-Phrase preprocessor variable to the query definition.
Select this check box to add the SortBy-Phrase preprocessor variable to the query definition. If you use select this option, you cannot directly modify the Sort from the Query Builder.
Check Syntax Now
Select this option to have the compiler check the syntax of the query in its current state.
Check Syntax On OK
Select this option to have the compiler check the query syntax when you click OK .
Freeform Query
Displays the PROGRESS Advisor dialog which allows freeform editing of the query using the GUI Designer editor.