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Introducing Progress DB Navigator : Reference : Oracle database : Oracle DB Details view
Oracle DB Details view
The DB Details view is a read-only display of information specific to the selected node in the DB Structure view.
Note: This detailed view is available only for certain nodes. If the detailed view is unavailable for a node you select in the DB Structure view, no information appears in the DB Details view.
The content of the DB Details view changes depending on which node you select in the DB Structure view. There are four top-level nodes: Database, Monitor, Security, and Instance.
When you select a child of one of the nodes listed in the left column of the following table, the corresponding information appears in the DB Details view:
For a child node, displays details about the following:
*Columns - A list of all columns and related SQL information.
*Indexes - A list of indexes in the selected table.
*Primary key - A list of the primary keys defined for the selected table.
*Foreign key - A list of any foreign key restraints defined for a selected SQL table.
*Preview - A subset of the records in the selected table. You can set the number of rows returned in the Preferences page.
*Row count - The total number of rows in the selected table.
*Privileges - A list of both table and column privileges (as a toggle).
*Dependent Objects - A list of objects dependent on that table, identified by owner, type, and name.
*Status - Status details, including properties and their values.
For a child node, displays details about the following:
*Columns -A list of all columns and related SQL information.
*Indexes - A list of indexes in the selected table.
*Primary key - A list of the primary keys defined for the selected table.
*Foreign key - A list of any foreign key restraints defined for a selected SQL table.
*Preview - A subset of the records in the selected table. You can set the number of rows returned in the Preferences page.
*Row count - The total number of rows in the selected table.
*Privileges - A list of both table and column privileges (as a toggle).
*Dependent Objects - A list of objects dependent on that table, identified by owner, type, and name.
*Status - Status details, including properties and their values.
Displays the properties of the sequence, including its current value.
Displays details about each package, including the SQL code, properties and their values, and a list of dependent objects.
Displays details about each package body, including the SQL code, and properties and their values.
Displays details about each function, including parameters, SQL code, properties and their values, and a list of dependent objects.
Displays details about a procedure, including parameters, SQL code, properties and their values, and a list of dependent objects.
Displays details about a trigger, including properties and their values, details about other properties, and SQL code.
Displays details about the current schema. Includes the columns Username, OS User, Session ID, Serial No, Process ID, LockWait, Status, PGA (Kb), UGA (Kb), Module, Machine, Program, and Logon Time.
Displays details about a Java object, including information about properties and a display of the Java object source.
Displays details about a database link, including the user name, host, and when the link was created.
When you select a child of one of the nodes listed in the left column of the following table, the corresponding information appears in the DB Details view:
Displays the following session information: Username, OS User, Session ID, Serial No, Process ID, LockWait, Status, PGA (Kb), UGA (Kb), Module, Machine, Program, and Logon Time.
Displays the following job information: Log User, Priv User, Schema User, Last Date, This Date, Next Date, Total Time, Broken, Interval, Failures, What, NLS Env, and Misc Env.
Displays the following SQL executions data: SQL Text, Reads/Execution, Buffer Gets, Disk Reads, Executions, Sorts, Address, and Hash Value.
When you select a child of the Users node, a list of all authenticated users, identified by UserName, UserID, and when created, appears in the DB Details view.
When you select a child of one of the nodes listed in the left column of the following table, the corresponding information appears in the DB Details view:
System Parameters
Displays all the system parameters, which are retrieved from the v$system_parameter table. Includes the columns NUM, NAME, TYPE, and VALUE.
Displays child nodes for every existing table space. Includes Allocation Type, Contents, Extent Management, Initial Extent, Logging, Max Extent, Min ExtLen, Min Extent, Next Extent, PCT Increase, and Status.