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Introducing Progress DB Navigator : Reference : Preferences : OpenEdge Schema Editing preferences
OpenEdge Schema Editing preferences
The following list describes the preferences you can set in the Databases > OpenEdge Schema Editing Preferences page:
Open script in editor upon completion of wizard
When the option is enabled, a script that is generated by one of the Edit Schema wizards opens in the SQL editor.
Execute and commit Schema change on completion of wizard
When the option is enabled, a SQL script generated by one of the Edit Schema wizards executes, is committed, and opens in the SQL editor.
When the option is disabled, the SQL script does not update the schema. However, the script appears in the SQL editor. This is useful when you want to create a script but do not want to change the schema.
Note: This option can be disabled only if the Open script in editor option is selected.
Grant public SQL rights
Allows users who do not have DBA privileges to view data or edit tables created by the Edit Schema wizard.
Default Character Size
Establishes the default size for new character fields.
Default Decimal Size
Establishes the default size for new decimal fields.
Update format to reflect entered size value
When this option is enabled, you can enter a value in the Size to Format ratio field. This value is used when entering the size value for a character field. The value of the format field is updated to reflect the entered size as you type.
Default Format
Displays default formats for all ABL data types. You can change the defaults by selecting a data type and clicking the Set button.