Several ABL Editor and Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge features are available to help you enter database schema references in your code:
DB Structure view - Provides a tree-view outline of the schema, with drag-and-drop functionality to enter table and column references in the source code. This feature requires a SQL connection to the database.
Expansion of schema element names - Optionally completes the abbreviated names of tables and columns when you press the space bar. You can turn this feature on or off at the Editor preferences page.
Prefixing of database names - Optionally adds the database name when you type a table name. You can turn this feature on or off at the Editor preferences page.
Schema descriptions in code-completion assistance - Optionally displays the description for each table or column proposed as a completion phrase. Enabling schema descriptions can have a noticeable performance impact in certain situations, such as the use of a large remote database. You can turn this feature on or off at the Editor Assistance preferences page.
Hover help - Optionally shows syntax help when you pause the cursor over a schema reference. You can turn this feature on or off at the Editor Assistance preferences page.