Working with OpenEdge database user accounts

In SQL, you must be connected to a database before issuing commands. When you use a SQL connection in DB Navigator to connect to a database, you must supply a user ID and, optionally, a password. If the user ID and password are not in the connection profile, you are prompted to provide them.

Frequently, databases do not have user accounts defined. For example, you might decide not to set up users for a local, working copy of a database that you are using for testing or development. Or, you may implement security on the application level so that database user accounts are not necessary.

If you are connecting to a database with no defined users, keep the following in mind:

If you are connecting to a database with defined users, contact the database administrator to set up a user account that has DBA privileges. If you are unsure which users have DBA privileges, you can check the _SYSDBAUTH system table for a list of user privileges.
Note: If you create a user account for an OpenEdge database that has no user accounts defined, make sure that the first account you create has DBA privileges. If the first account does not have DBA privileges, you cannot add a DBA account or any additional user accounts.

See OpenEdge Data Management: SQL Development and OpenEdge Data Management: SQL Reference for more information. You can find these OpenEdge manuals in the Product Documentation section of the Progress Software Developer's Network Web site.