Deleting OpenEdge database user accounts

You can delete any account whose user type is internal. You cannot, however, delete the account you use to connect to the database.

To delete a user account:

  1. Connect to a database as a user who has DBA privileges.
  2. Choose the Security node in the DB Structure view. The Security tab appears in the DB Details view.
  3. Select one or more user accounts from the list in the Security tab. To select more than one row, use the SHIFT key to select a range of users, or use the CTRL key while selecting individual rows.
  4. Click Drop user in the Security tab. A dialog appears in which you must confirm the deletion before it is committed.
  5. Click OK. The user account no longer appears in the Security tab.
    Note: You can view a list of users whose accounts have been deleted (and who, therefore, do not have any active privileges) by selecting the Show Inactive Privileges check box.