The binding source object, ProBindingSource, is a non-visual control whose properties
define the schema for the data to be displayed by the accompanying visual control.
The ProBindingSource control includes a designer tool that helps you define this
schema. The tool also gives you the option of importing the schema from an XML
schema (XSD) file, or from an ABL source file (like p, cls, w, i, and
Note: When designing data-bound controls, it is a good idea to establish a
SQL connection to the database, so that you can see its schema in the DB
Structure view. You can simplify the design process by dragging and dropping
schema elements from the DB Structure view. If you choose to define the schema
manually, you can refer to the DB Structure view to determine the correct table
names, field names, and character types.
Begin by connecting your project to the
database via an ABL connection.