Editor Assistance options

The Assistance page (Progress OpenEdge > Editor > Assistance) of the Editor preferences includes the following options:

Show syntax help as I type If checked, enables display of a pop-up box to prompt for remaining syntax above the line you are typing. This prompt is a brief reminder, not the full syntax shown with text hover.
Highlight matching elements in code If checked, enables the display of a marker at the position of the paired code element (for example, a bracket or a keyword that begins or ends a code block) corresponding to the element at the current cursor position.
Show description when proposing schema elements

If checked, enables the inclusion of field descriptions in the right pane of the pop-up window when proposing completion options for schema references. See Balancing code-completion convenience and performance for more information.

For schema If checked, enables display of a pop-up box identifying schema elements when you leave the cursor over them.
For keyword If checked, enables display of a pop-up box containing a brief description and the syntax for ABL keywords and statements when you leave the cursor over them.
Milliseconds allowed for re-parsing Specifies the maximum amount of time the ABL Editor will spend updating its analysis before building the list of completion proposals based on the last completed analysis. See Balancing code-completion convenience and performance for more information.
Automatically propose completion on "." and ":" If checked, enables the auto-completion feature to activate whenever you type a period or colon in an appropriate place (in a class path for a period, in a database schema reference for a colon). If you disable this option, you can still access auto-completion by typing CTRL+SPACE.
Auto-bracketing If checked, enables automatic insertion of the proper closing element (auto-bracketing) for any symbols that normally are used in pairs, such as parentheses, brackets, and quotation marks.
Exclude proposals (list) Lets you selectively suppress specific types of code elements from assistance proposals. In the list, check the elements that you do not want to see.
Order of proposals (list) Specifies the order in which assistance proposals are presented. To change the sequence, select an element and click Move Up or Move Down.
Automatically add USING statement instead of qualified name If checked, adds the USING statement instead of qualified name.

Apply stores your changes to the current workspace configuration. Restore Defaults resets the preferences to the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge defaults.