Browsing by project

Browse by project to see a list of open Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge projects as top-level nodes. (No nodes appear if there are no available projects.) When you expand the nodes, the various resources specified by the project are displayed as second-level nodes. Expanding the second-level resources brings third-level packages and namespaces into the view.

Note: The Browse by Project mode does not display external resources.
  1. To begin, click Browse by Project  in the Class Browser toolbar. A list of available Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge projects appears in the Browser pane, and the Content and Summary panes are empty.
  2. You can view the contents of a project in either of the following ways:
    • Click the name of the project in the Browser pane. Its contents appear in a list in the Content pane; summary details about the project appear in the Summary pane. Click one of the items in the Content pane to see details about it in the Summary pane. For the mscorlib.dll, for example, the Summary pane identifies it as an assembly and provides its location.
    • Expand the project node in the Browser pane. Its contents appear listed as nodes below it in the Browser pane. Click the node to view a list of its packages and namespaces in the Content pane; or expand the node to see packages or namespaces in the Browser pane. Click the package or namespace (in the Browser pane or the Content pane) to see a list of its classes and interfaces. Click a class or interface to see its members. The Summary pane provides details for the item in focus.