The following icons help you identify items in the Class Browser view:
Class Browser view. | |
Browse by resource. | |
Browse by project. | |
Add external resources. | |
Assembly. | |
Progress Procedure Library. | |
Path entry. | |
ABL built-in types. | |
Search. | |
Clear search. | |
Class. | |
Interface. | |
Constructor tree. | |
Constructor. In this case, the green dot indicates that the constructor is public. See the following table for additional clarification. |
Method tree. | |
Method. | |
Event tree. | |
Event. | |
Data member tree. | |
Data member. | |
Property tree. | |
Property. |
To help you further distinguish what you see in the Class Browser view, an icon representing an item may be accompanied by one or more additional indicators:
If you see this additional indicator... | The item is... |
Example |
A green dot | Public | |
A yellow diamond | Protected | |
The letter S | Static | |
The letter C | A constructor |
Note: In this
example, the green dot indicates that the item is also public.
The letter F | Final | |
A red box containing a white letter X | Not available |