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Application Migration and Development Guide
Migrating AppServer and WebSpeed Applications : Migrating server configuration and management : Application packaging and installation : Distribution packaging : Incremental SOAP services
Incremental SOAP services
A SOAP Web service is deployed using a SOAP descriptor file (.wsm) that calls ABL service interface APIs in the ABL application. To deploy incremental SOAP services into an existing PAS for OpenEdge instance's OE ABL Web application, you need to package the .wsm file and any ABL .p or .r language files that support the service interface's API. Once the package is available on the PAS for OpenEdge instance's host server you will:
1. Unpack the files into a temporary location.
2. Use the PAS for OpenEdge instance's deploySOAP command-line utility to deploy the SOAP descriptor file into an existing OE ABL Web application.
3. Move any ABL .p or .r files into one of the ABL application's PROPATH locations.
Note: The PROPATH location can include the OE ABL Web application's WEB-INF/openedge directory tree.