Access and review . . .
To . . .
Alert and other data indicators that have been set up to monitor and display data on the collections page
Quickly examine issues that might be the reason for this dramatic change in performance. As previously noted in OpenEdge Management at XYZ Corporation, the administrator has several indicators set up, including viewlets related to the AppServer brokers.
Data details in log files such as the database log files, AppServer log files, customized log files and so forth
Examine log file data from the time period during which the crisis initially occurred. Determine if there is any noteworthy, relevant information in error logs related to the crisis situation.
Network- and server-related data details, using TCP resource monitors previously set up
Determine the status and response time, if any, for mail, FTP, and Web Servers that might be running on the network.
Network-related data details, using Packet Internet Grouper (PING) (ICMP) resource monitors previously set up
Determine if network resources are available.
Server-related data details
Determine if AppServer server details and/or AppServer broker details are of help in problem determination.