Metric type
Access Time
The date and time at which the metrics have been retrieved
Average AppServer time
The average time spent in returning a response from the AppServer to the REST transport
Average connect time
The average time spent in using the REST transport to connect to the AppServer
Average transport time
The average of the times spent in making a request to the AppServer via the REST transport and in returning a response from the AppServer by the REST transport
Connect requests
The number of requests for which new connections have been made between the REST transport and AppServer
Expression errors
The number of requests in which a parameter value has incorrectly formatted JSON data
Failed requests
The number of requests that have resulted in a failure error message
Last reset time
If you click Reset, this field displays the date and time at which you have reset the metrics for the service. When the metrics are reset, the Last Reset Time field is updated.
Maximum AppServer time
The maximum time spent in returning a response from the AppServer to the REST transport
Maximum connect time
The maximum time spent in using the REST transport to connect to the AppServer
Maximum transport time
The maximum value of the times spent in making a request to the AppServer via the REST transport and in returning a response from the AppServer by the REST transport
Minimum AppServer time
The minimum time spent in returning a response from the AppServer to the REST transport
Minimum connect time
The minimum time spent by the REST transport to connect to the AppServer
Minimum transport time
The minimum value of the times spent in making a request to the AppServer via the REST transport and in returning a response from the AppServer by the REST transport
The total number of requests (successful or failed) made to the REST transport for access to the AppServer
Run requests
The number of requests for which an ABL class, function, or procedure has been invoked on the AppServer
Service not found
The number of requests for which a REST service has not been found
Service unavailable requests
The number of requests made during which the REST transport is disabled
Standard deviation AppServer time
The standard deviation of the time spent in returning a response from the AppServer to the REST transport
Standard deviation connect time
The standard deviation of the time spent by the REST transport to connect to the AppServer
Standard deviation transport time
The standard deviation of the times spent in making a request to the AppServer via the REST transport and in returning a response from the AppServer by the REST transport
Status requests
The number of requests made for the status of the REST transport
Successful connect requests
The number of requests for which connection objects have been successfully created. These objects are used to run a service on the AppServer.
Successful requests
The number of requests for which the AppServer has sent a successful response
Successful run requests
The number of requests for which an ABL class, function, or procedure has been executed successfully on the AppServer and a response is sent to the REST transport
The transport for which the metrics are collected