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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge Configuration
Managing OpenEdge ABL applications deployed to a PAS for OpenEdge instance : Managing OpenEdge ABL application settings : Viewing OpenEdge ABL application connections

Viewing OpenEdge ABL application connections

You can view the OpenEdge ABL application connections by using the ABL Application: <ABL application name> page.
To view the list of connections:
1. Click Resources > Go to Resources in the OpenEdge Management console menu.
All resources managed by your console appear in the grid frame.
2. Filter or search for, and select the required PAS for OpenEdge instance.
For example, type the default PAS for OpenEdge instance name, oepas1, in the Filter field or select Progress Application Server as the selection in the Type drop-down menu and select the PAS instance.
The Progress Application Server: <instance name> page appears.
3. Click an ABL application listed in the ABL Applications section.
The ABL Application: <ABL application name> page appears.
Note: The OpenEdge manager web application, oemanager, must be installed on PAS for OpenEdge for you to manage OpenEdge ABL applications and transport services while the PAS for OpenEdge instance is running.
4. Click Connections.
The Client connections for ABL Application <ABL application name> page appears. You can view the following ABL application client connection properties:
Table 5. OpenEdge ABL application client connection properties
Identity (IP address) of the client that is performing the request
Adapter Type
The adapter (HTTP, SOAP, or REST) used to make the client request
Request Start Time
The time at which the client request has been made
Elapsed time
The time since the client request has been made
The ABL procedure invoked by the client
The URL used by the client to perform the request
To filter from a list of connections, begin typing a client name in the Client field to view the connections for that client. You can also filter from the list by selecting an adapter type from the Adapter type list and then clicking the Refresh icon to view the connections for that adapter type.
Note: You can also sort the columns in ascending or descending order by clicking the arrow next to the selected column name and then clicking Sort Ascending or Sort Descending, respectively. You can also select or deselect a list of columns by clicking Columns.