Remove a Web application from running (online) or stopped (offline) instances. If the instance’s autodeploy option is off, you must stop and restart a running server to complete removal. Note that the autodeploy option is set in the .../conf/ file and is off by default.
Specify one or more of the options that can be used with any TCMAN action. Run help undeploy to see which general options are appropriate.
-u user_id:password
Specify a valid user name and password for HTTP Basic access authentication. (The default is -u tomcat:tomcat.) This option is required if you are accessing an online instance.
Specify the name of the web application to remove.
Remove the oemanager application from the acme1 instance:
/psc/acme1/bin/ undeploy -u tomcat:tomcat oemanager
OK - Undeployed application at context path /oemanager