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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge Configuration
Managing OpenEdge ABL applications deployed to a PAS for OpenEdge instance : Managing PAS for OpenEdge transport services : Managing WEB transports : Configuring WEB transport properties
Configuring WEB transport properties
Each PAS for OpenEdge instance can have a different transport mechanism for all its deployed services based on sessions, timeouts, and other advanced properties. You can configure your WEB transport properties using the WEB transport configuration for ABL application <ABL application name> WebApp <webapp name> page.
To configure WEB transport properties:
1. Click Resources > Go to Resources in the OpenEdge management console menu.
All resources managed by your console appear in the grid frame.
2. Filter or search for, and select the required PAS for OpenEdge instance.
For example, type the default PAS for OpenEdge instance name, oepas1, in the Filter field or select Progress Application Server as the selection in the Type drop-down menu and select the PAS instance.
The Progress Application Server:<instance name> page appears.
3. Click an ABL application listed in the ABL Applications section.
The ABL Application: <ABL application name> page appears.
You can configure the properties of a transport service of a local PAS for OpenEdge instance even when the OpenEdge manager web application, oemanager, is not installed and the instance is not running. However, to configure the properties of a transport service of a remote PAS for OpenEdge instance, ensure that the oemanager is installed and the instance is running.
4. Click an ABL Web application listed in the ABL WebApps section.
The ABL WebApp: <webapp name> page appears.
5. Click Configuration under the WEB Transport section.
The WEB transport configuration for ABL Application <ABL application name> WebApp <webapp name> page appears.
6. Set the following properties in the WEB Transport Properties section:
Table 24. WEB Transport properties
Status enabled
Returns the status of the server or WEB transport in JSON format.
Adapter enabled
Enables the WEB transport from servicing requests.
Server debug
Allows debugging via URL: (?debug=on)
Collect metrics
Collects the metrics used by oemanager.
Allow runtime updates
If the value is 0, it does not allow certain properties to be updated dynamically.
Default cookie domain
The domain to send cookies.
By default, this is blank which restricts the web browser to set the cookies only to the current host. You can specify the domain name for which the cookies need to be available to multiple hosts.
Default cookie path
A server relative URL for all cookies. The
Default handler
The handler to which all requests are routed.
These requests are not handled by a mapped handler. The Compatibility handler supports classic WebSpeed applications and can also be mapped to a URL.
7. Click:
*Save to save the changes.
*Cancel to reject the recent changes.
*Reset to apply the last-saved settings.