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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge Configuration
Managing OpenEdge ABL applications deployed to a PAS for OpenEdge instance : Managing OpenEdge ABL application settings : Configuring an OpenEdge ABL application : Configuring the startup environment
Configuring the startup environment
You can configure your OpenEdge ABL application startup environment using the ABL Application Configuration for <ABL application name> page.
To configure your startup parameters and environment:
1. Click Resources > Go to Resources in the OpenEdge Management console menu.
All resources managed by your console appear in the grid frame.
2. Filter or search for, and select the required PAS for OpenEdge instance.
For example, type the default PAS for OpenEdge instance name, oepas1, in the Filter field or select Progress Application Server as the selection in the Type drop-down menu and select the PAS instance.
The Progress Application Server: <instance name> page appears.
3. Click an ABL application in ABL Applications section.
The ABL Application: <ABL application name> page appears.
Note: The OpenEdge manager web application, oemanager, must be installed on PAS for OpenEdge for you to manage OpenEdge ABL applications and transport services while the PAS for OpenEdge instance is running.
4. Click Configuration.
The Application configuration for <ABL application name> page appears.
5. Select the Startup Parameters and Environment tab to set the following properties:
Table 7. Startup Parameters and Environment
Agent working directory
Specify the location of the working directory of the OpenEdge ABL agent.
Agent startup parameter
Optionally, specify the parameter value to be passed as part of the session startup procedure.
You can configure the PAS for OpenEdge to pass a set of parameters to any agents that it starts. These are standard OpenEdge client startup parameters, and can include any parameters that you require for each PAS for OpenEdge session, including (but not limited to) all the standard database, code-page, and process-management parameters. For more information, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
Optionally, specify the semicolon-separaterd list of PROPATH entries for the agent.
These are directories in which the PAS for OpenEdge can locate ABL procedures to execute. This setting overrides any PROPATH environment variable settings on the Progress Application Server when it starts up. Make sure that all the ABL procedures (r-code or source) that you want the PAS for OpenEdge to execute are located in one of these PROPATH directories. Otherwise, the procedure must be executed using its fully qualified pathname.
Activate procedure
Optionally, specify the name of the procedure that activates a session.
This procedure executes immediately before a remote procedure request when the connection is in the unbound state. A typical use of Activate procedures is to retrieve the connection context using an application-specific context database. For more information, see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.
Deactivate procedure
Optionally, specify the name of the procedure that deactivates a session.
This procedure executes immediately after remote procedure and delete procedure requests when the connection is in the unbound state. A typical use of the Deactivate procedures is to store connection context using an application-specific context database. For more information, see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.
Connect procedure
Optionally, specify the connect procedure that you want to execute before a connection request is accepted.
This procedure executes in the AppServer agent that handles the client connection request. If the Connect procedure completes with no error, the connection request from the client application is accepted. If the Connect procedure returns an error, the connection request is rejected.
Disconnect procedure
Optionally, specify the disconnect procedure that you want to execute before a connection is terminated.
This procedure executes in the AppServer agent that handles a client disconnection request. You can use the AppServer Disconnect procedure to specify logic that you want executed at the time of client disconnection.
Session startup procedure
Optionally, specify the name of the procedure that executes as a PAS for OpenEdge session starts up.
Startup procedure parameter
Optionally, specify a value for the startup procedure.
You can set this parameter to any arbitrary value. If you do not specify a value for this property, the parameter is set to the Unknown value (?) when the AppServer agent executes the startup procedure.
Shutdown procedure
Optionally, specify the name of the procedure that executes just before a PAS for OpenEdge session shuts down.
Unlike the Startup procedure, the Shutdown procedure is run as a non-persistent procedure, and errors propagated by the Shutdown procedure are ignored. The PAS for OpenEdge agent terminates immediately after the Shutdown procedure executes. For more information, see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.
Startup procedure
Optionally, specify the name of the procedure that executes as a PAS for OpenEdge agent starts up.
Startup procedure parameter
Optionally, specify a value for the agent's startup procedure.
Shutdown procedure
Optionally, specify the name of the procedure that executes just before a PAS for OpenEdge agent shuts down.
6. Click:
*Save to save the changes.
*Reset to apply the last-saved settings.
*Cancel to reject the recent changes.