Parameter name
Default value
Initial sessions
The number of network sessions to be created (and shared by all clients) when the connection pool for the service is initialized by the adapter.
Minimum sessions
The minimum number of connected sessions that the service attempts to maintain in the service connection pool.
Maximum sessions
The maximum number of connected sessions allowed in the service connection pool.
Minimum idle connections
The minimum number of idle, or inactive, PAS for OpenEdge connections to maintain.
Idle session timeout
The duration, in seconds, between attempts by the adapter to shut down extra network connections to the AppServer, based on client demand.
Request wait timeout
Determines how the Web service handles requests when the service connection pool becomes full. -1 signifies that the request is queued indefinitely until a PAS for OpenEdge session becomes available.
Stale OOABL object timeout
The maximum duration, in seconds, that a service object can be idle before it is released.
Connection lifetime
The maximum lifetime, in seconds, of PAS for OpenEdge connections in the connection pool for this service.
Service fault level
Specifies the degree of detail returned to the client for a service fault.
Wait if busy
Not selected
Determines how to handle client requests to a service that is busy processing a prior request.