You can configure few properties of REST transport service of a local PAS for OpenEdge instance even when the OpenEdge manager web application, oemanager, is not installed and the instance is not running. You can access these properties using the REST transport configuration for ABL Application <ABL application name> WebApp <webapp name> page.
Note: To configure the properties of a transport service of a remote PAS for OpenEdge instance, ensure that the oemanager is installed and the instance is running.
To configure the REST transport properties:
1. Click Resources > Go to Resources in the OpenEdge Management console menu.
All resources managed by your console appear in the grid frame.
2. Filter or search for, and select the required PAS for OpenEdge instance.
For example, type the default PAS for OpenEdge instance name, oepas1, in the Filter field or select Progress Application Server as the selection in the Type drop-down menu and select the PAS instance.
The Progress Application Server: <instance name> page appears.
3. Click an ABL application listed in the ABL Applications section.
The ABL Application: <ABL application name> page appears.
4. Click an ABL Web application listed in the ABL WebApps section.
The ABL WebApp: <webapp name> page appears.
5. Click Configuration under the REST Transport section.
The REST transport configuration for ABL Application <ABL application name> WebApp <webapp name> page appears.
6. Set the following properties in the REST Transport Properties section:
Table 14. REST transport properties
Parameter name
Default value
Web Application
The name of the Web service application.
Adapter Enabled
Indicates whether WSA (Web Service Adapter) is enabled.
Status Enabled
Indicates whether the REST Web service is enabled for client access.
Allow Runtime Updates
Indicates whether run time property changes are allowed for this application server.
Collect metrics
Collects count and time related information of REST Web service over a period of time.