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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge Configuration
Managing OpenEdge ABL applications deployed to a PAS for OpenEdge instance : Managing OpenEdge ABL application settings : Configuring an OpenEdge ABL application : Configuring a network environment
Configuring a network environment
You can configure your OpenEdge ABL service network environment using the Application configuration for <ABL application name> page.
To configure your network environment:
1. Click Resources > Go to Resources in the OpenEdge Management console menu.
All resources managed by your console appear in the grid frame.
2. Filter or search for, and select the required PAS for OpenEdge instance.
For example, type the default PAS for OpenEdge instance name, oepas1, in the Filter field or select Progress Application Server as the selection in the Type drop-down menu and select the PAS instance.
The Progress Application Server: <instance name> page appears.
3. Click an ABL application in ABL Applications section.
The ABL Application: <ABL application name> page appears.
Note: The OpenEdge manager web application, oemanager, must be installed on PAS for OpenEdge for you to manage OpenEdge ABL applications and transport services while the PAS for OpenEdge instance is running.
4. Click Configuration.
The Application configuration for <ABL application name> page appears.
5. Click the Network Environment tab to set the following properties:
Table 10. Network environment
Server minimum port
Specify an agent minimum port number. The range of port numbers is 0 to 65535.
Server maximum port
Specify an agent maximum port number. The range of port numbers is 0 to 65535.
IP version
Specify the IP version to be used for network communication.
*IPv4 to allow connections only with IPv4.
*IPv6 to allow connections with IPv6 version and mapped IPv4. This is the default IP version.
Enable SSL
Select the check box to enable secure communication for the PAS for OpenEdge instance.
SSL key alias
Specify the cryptographic algorithm key alias.
Key alias password
Specify the key alias password.
SSL algorithms
Specify the secure communication algorithm that is implemented.
Key store path
Specify the key store path where your secure communication certificates are stored.
No session cache
Select to specify that no session cache be maintained.
6. Click:
*Save to save the changes.
*Reset to apply the last-saved settings.
*Cancel to reject the recent changes.