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Alerts Guide and Reference
Alerts Reference : Alert organization and properties : Alert properties

Alert properties

This chapter presents one or more of the following property details for alerts:
*Name — The name of the alert. In those instances in which the specific alert name might vary, the alert is identified in this chapter with brackets (< >).
*Message — What the alert looks like to the recipient. Variables that appear in alert messages are identified in this reference section in italics. For example, Broker: name, NameServer: NSname, and Threshold: threshold.
*Description — A description of the alert.
*Type — The type of alert: polled or asynchronous. See Alert types for a detailed definition for each alert type.
*Action — Suggestions on what remedial actions to take.
*Note — Additional clarifying information about an alert.
*See Also — References to other manuals. These references might provide additional details about an alert, or about related functionality.
You might not see all elements listed for every alert; elements are listed if applicable.