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Configuring Multi-tenancy
Working with sequences : Working with sequences and sequence values

Working with sequences and sequence values

Sequences are database objects that provide incremental values to an application. They can generate sequential values within any range of an ABL integer (–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) and with your choice of increment (positive or negative).
You can also define sequences to cycle or terminate when a specified limit is reached. A cycling sequence restarts after it reaches the specified limit, providing non-unique values for the life of the sequence. A terminating sequence stops incrementing after it reaches the specified limit, providing unique values for the life of the sequence as long as you do not explicitly reset it.
* Types of sequences
* Sequence functionality and user credentials
* Creating a multi-tenant sequence and loading a data definition file with sequences
* Exporting current sequence values
* Viewing a list of sequences