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Configuring Multi-tenancy
Working with sequences : Working with sequences and sequence values : Viewing a list of sequences

Viewing a list of sequences

You can view a list of sequences for a database from the database's home page. If you have connected to the database as a super-tenant user, you can view a list of multi-tenant enabled sequences for all tenants, since a super-tenant has access to all tenant data. You can also edit and export the sequence current values of multi-tenant enabled tenants.
If you have connected to the database as a regular tenant user, you can view a list of sequences only for the tenant you belong to. You cannot view, edit, or export sequence current values for any other tenants.
To view a list of sequences:
1. Click Database Administration > Go to Database Administration in the OpenEdge Management console menu.
The Database Administration page appears.
2. Filter or search for, and select the required database connection.
The database connection home page appears.
3. Under Data Administration, click Edit sequences. The Edit Database Sequences page appears.
Note that if you have a long list of sequences, you can type a particular sequence name in the Sequence name field and click the Search icon. You can move forward or backward the page, or specify a particular page, in the list of sequences by using the Page feature at the bottom of the grid.
Note: You can also sort the details by column in either ascending or descending order by clicking the column name and then the Sort arrow.
The Edit Database Sequences page provides the following details:
*Sequence Name — The name of the sequence.
*Multi-tenant — Whether the sequence is enabled for multi-tenancy (true) or not (false).
*Initial Value — The value at which a sequence begins to increase (or decrease).
*Increment by — The value by which a sequence will increment (or decrement) values from the initial value.
*Upper Limit — An integer value that defines the upper (or lower) limit of the sequence.
*Cyclic at Limit — Whether a cycling sequence has been activated (true) or not (false).
A cycling sequence is a sequence that restarts after it reaches the specified limit, providing non-unique values for the life of the sequence. The value of a cycling sequence resets to its defined initial value when the sequence exceeds its upper limit or falls below its lower limit providing non-unique values for the life of the sequence. The terminating sequence stops increasing when it reaches its upper limit or stops decreasing when it reaches its lower limit, providing unique values as long as you do not explicitly reset it.
*Current Value — The current value of the sequence.
For a newly created (not yet committed) sequence, the field is empty. For a shared sequence, the current value for the sequence is shown.
For a multi-tenant sequence value you can change, an Edit link appears. For more information, see Editingsequence values .
4. From the list, you can:
*Edit a multi-tenant sequence's current value. See Editingsequence values .
*Restore an edited sequence's current value to its previous setting. See Restoringsequence current values.