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Getting Started
Introducing OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer : Configuring or monitoring resources on a remote AdminServer : More about monitoring scripted and managed databases : Monitoring a scripted database through a remote-enabled AdminServer
Monitoring a scripted database through a remote-enabled AdminServer
When OpenEdge Management monitors a scripted database that is running through a remote-enabled AdminServer, the scripted database communicates directly with that AdminServer, which then uses the remote monitoring framework infrastructure to communicate with OpenEdge Management. The advantage to setting up monitoring in this way is that the scripted database can connect right into an AdminServer that is remote-enabled for all resources; it is not necessary for the dbagent to open a separate port into OpenEdge Management.
You configure OpenEdge Management and the remote-enabled AdminServer by using the OpenEdge Management Remote Monitoring Configuration Utility. For details, see Setting up Remote Resource Monitoring and Configuration.