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Administering OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer : Adding users as administrators or operators : Adding a new user

Adding a new user

If you are logged in as an administrator in OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer, you can add new users.
The added user name, password, and description information is saved in the file that is available in the <OpenEdgeManagement-install-dir>\etc folder. This information is saved in the following format:
<username>: [<hash algorithm>:]<password>[:<salt>[:<iterations>]]
[,<rolename> ...]
DESCRIPTION: <user description>
To add a new user:
1. From the Authorized Users page, click Add User. The User page appears.
2. Enter a unique user name in the Name field. The name can contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed in the name. Optionally, enter a user description.
3. Select a user role in the Role list: Administrator, Operator or Trending.
Note: Only a user with the Administrator user role can create a user with the Trending user role.
4. Enter a password in the Password field. The password must be a minimum of 4 characters in length. The password is encrypted using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
5. Re-enter the password in the Confirm password field.
6. Click Save. The user name and description appears in the list of authorized users on the Authorized Users page. The file gets updated as well.
Optionally, you can add a new user by entering the credentials in the defined format directly in the file.
You can restore the default user name credentials by replacing the contents of the file with the contents of the file that is present at the same folder location.
If you are adding users by entering credentials in the file or if you are restoring the default credentials, you must stop and restart the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer for the operation to take effect.
Progress recommends using the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer to add new users.
You can also add a new user by copying the details of an existing user from the list of authorized users and then modifying the user details.
To add a new user by copying an existing user:
a. Select the user from the Authorized Users page. The User: <user name> page appears.
b. Click Copy.
c. Modify the existing user details as required. You must enter new values in the Name, New password, and Confirm new password fields.
d. Click Save.
e. The user name and description appears in the list of authorized users on the Authorized Users page.