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Configuring third-party Web applications : Sample Web application in OpenEdge Management : Using the sample Web application

Using the sample Web application

The sample Web application shipped with OpenEdge Management is available in the $OEM/samples directory.
To use the sample Web application:
1. Stop the AdminServer (using the command fathom -stop or proadsv -stop).
2. Navigate to OpenEdge Management install directory $OEM on your machine.
Typically, this is the C:\Progress\oemgmt directory on your Windows machine.
3. Open the Samples folder to find:
*A sample Web application samplewebapp.war file, which is a compiled and deployable Web application archive (WAR) file readily available for use.
*The source file for the sample Web application bundled in a ZIP file.
4. Copy the sample Web application samplewebapp.war file to the webapps folder in the OpenEdge Management install directory.
If this folder does not exist, you must create a new folder named webapps in the OpenEdge Management install directory and then copy the WAR file into the folder.
5. Restart the AdminServer (using the command fathom -start or proadsv -start).
6. Open and log into the OpenEdge Management console using http://localhost:9090.
After logging in, the OpenEdge Management console provides the following extensions as part of the sample Web application:
*A functional menu, Sample, in the main menu bar for resource implementation.
*A link in the Options page, Sample Config, to add your own preferences to the third-party Web application.
*A link in the footer, Sample, to provide access to your own web pages or online help.
The sample Web application defines a menu contributor that adds a new menu item, Sample, to the main menu and the footer in the management console. The new menu item is named as Sample; it has few example links beneath it.
A landing page contributor is also defined in the sample Web application. It includes a landing page item for the OpenEdge Management jobs home page. To choose a landing page example, select Options > User Preferences in the management console.