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Configuring AppServers and AppServer Internet Adapters : AppServer configuration and administration : Configuring an AppServer : AppServer broker properties : AppServer Broker Logging Setting properties
AppServer Broker Logging Setting properties
Table 58. AppServer Broker Logging Setting properties
Broker log filename
The broker log filename.
Broker logging level (dynamic property)
A value that specifies the amount of information that is written to the broker log. The following values are available:
*None — Log no entries. This is equivalent to turning logging off.
*Error Only — Log OpenEdge error messages. This includes all error messages and is unrelated to the entry types specified. Errors continue to be logged at all higher levels.
*Basic — Broker logging entry types determine the logged information. Each entry type generates at least some output. This is the default.
*Verbose — Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Basic.
*Extended — Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Verbose.
You can update this property dynamically. Any changes will affect all current and new brokers and/or agents.
Append to broker log file
Indicates whether or not a new broker log file should be created when the AppServer is started.
Broker logging entry types (dynamic property)
A comma-separated list of the following valid entry types for agent logging:
*UBroker.AutoTrim — Logs messages about automatic agent thread trimming by the broker based on the Auto trim timeout property. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.Basic — Logs messages about broker and agent startup and shutdown at the following logging levels:
*Basic — Logs NameServer registration and connections from clients.
*Verbose — Logs information about all the property values read from the file for that broker instance, and more information on the connection from clients.
*UBroker.ThreadPool — Logs messages about the pool of threads managed by the broker. These threads are used to control the client requests and the agent processes. This entry type logs messages when adding, removing, and communicating with these threads. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
You can update this property dynamically. Any changes will affect all current and new brokers and/or agents.
Turn on the following logging entry types only at the request of Progress Software Corporation Technical Support:
*UBroker.ClientFSM — Logs messages about the state of the client thread as it processes the requests, from the moment it receives a connection request to the end of the request. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.ServerFSM — Logs messages about the state of the agent thread as it processes the requests, from the moment it receives a connection request to the end of the request. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.ClientMsgStream — Logs messages about messages exchanged between the broker and client threads in binary format. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.ServerMsgStream — Logs messages about messages exchanged between the broker and agent threads in binary format. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.ClientMsgQueue — Logs messages about the client thread as it processes queued messages. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.ServerMsgQueue — Logs messages about the agent thread as it processes queued messages. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.ClientMemTrace — Traces messages being processed by the client threads. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.ServerMemTrace — Traces messages being processed by the agent threads. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.Stats — Logs statistics about the number of requests, plus maximum, minimum, and average request wait and duration times. Information is logged at logging level Basic and higher.
*UBroker.All — Logs all Unified Broker entry types.
You can specify a separate logging level for each log entry type and use a wildcard (*) to specify multiple entry types. For example:
For details, see the information about client logging in OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
Broker log file threshold size
A value of 0 or a value between 500,000 and 2,147,483,647, where 0 means there is no limit on the log file size other than what the operating system imposes.
Maximum number of broker log files
The number of rolled-over log files to keep. The value can be 0 or a value between 2 and 999999, where 0 means there is no limit on the number of broker log files to keep. The specified number represents the maximum number of log files to keep on disk at any time, including the current log file being written to.
When the file becomes equal to or greater than the Broker log file threshold size, the client process renames it and creates a new log file. The file is renamed as follows, where ###### is a number starting at 000001 and increasing to 999999, after which it rolls back over to 000001: