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Multi-tenancy Overview
Multi-tenancy and OpenEdge SQL : Super tenant use cases : Move rows between partitions in a multi-tenant table

Move rows between partitions in a multi-tenant table

To move the rows from the DEFAULT partition of a multi-tenant table, mtcustomer, and distribute it to the tenants, SNCSoftware and OEDProducts:
INSERT INTO pub.mtcustomer TENANT SNCSoftware
FROM pub.mtcustomer AS mtc
WHERE tenantName_tbl (mtc) = 'default'
AND MOD (custnum, 2) = 0;

INSERT INTO pub.mtcustomer TENANT OEDProducts
FROM pub.mtcustomer AS mtc
WHERE tenantName_tbl (mtc) = 'default'
AND MOD (custnum, 2) <> 0;

FROM pub.mtcustomer AS mtc
WHERE tenantName_tbl (mtc) = 'default';