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Installation and Configuration
Command and Utility Reference : Administering and configuring Unified Broker products : Mergeprop


Provides a consistent means to manage and maintain the content of property files, either by direct user action or programmatically. Property files store configuration information that identify and control the behavior of various components. The mergeprop program is located in the OpenEdge-Install-Directory\bin.
Presented through a command-line interface, the mergeprop utility is an alternative, fully supported tool by which you can update a property file when either OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer tool is not available or you choose to use this approach.
The following table presents the mergeprop syntax:
Operating system
UNIX Windows
mergeprop -type file_type
           [-action operation_type [group_name]]
           [-target target_file]
           [-delta delta_file]
See table for the details about valid values for argument variables.
All of the command switches identified in the previous syntax and presented in more detail in table can occur in any sequence following the mergeprop command.
* Command switches and arguments