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Installation and Configuration
Configuration : Configuration : Mergeprop utility overview : Using the mergeprop utility : Command syntax
Command syntax
The following example shows the mergeprop command syntax:
mergeprop -type file_type
           [-action operation_type [group_name]]
           [-target target_file]
           [-delta delta_file]
The following table summarizes the syntax elements used with the mergeprop command. The command line switches can be specified in any order.
Table 48. Command line input to the mergeprop command
-type (required)
Each argument (other than none) implies a specific target file in the properties directory (see File type).
update (default)
list group_name
listall group_name
If no action is specified, update is assumed by default.The list and listall actions require an additional argument, the name of the property group to be displayed (for example, ubroker.AS.asbroker1). Do not include the square brackets ([]) that enclose the group name in the file.On update and create actions, groups listed with no properties in the delta file are ignored.
-target (optional)
Path to the property file to be modified
If you are updating a property file that is in the OpenEdge-install-dir/properties subdirectory, you can omit this option. Only use this option when the property file you plan to update exists in a location other than the OpenEdge-install-dir/properties/ subdirectory.
Path to the delta file containing changes to be made
The file containing create, update, or delete changes.
Performs all processing without actually making changes to the target file. This option lets you test for errors.
Does not create a backup to the target file before making changes. Unless you invoke this option, mergeprop saves a copy of the original target file in the same directory. The backup copy has a system- generated unique string appended to the name (for example, 31420040644533).
Suppresses all messages.
Lists or deletes all groups, server groups, and configurations associated with the specified database.The recurse option is only valid when the file type is specified as database,and the action is identified as either list all or delete.

1 Command switches can occur in any order following the mergeprop command.