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OpenEdge National Language Support : Progress.ini file and the Windows registry : [Startup] and [WinChar Startup]

[Startup] and [WinChar Startup]

The [Startup] and the [WinChar Startup] sections contain OpenEdge environment variable settings. The [Startup] section includes the variables for GUI clients, and the [WinChar Startup] section includes the variables for character clients, WebSpeed Agents, and the AppServer.
The following table lists the environment variables that a typical localized application might need.
Table 133. Environment variables
Environment variable
progress.ini file section
The default display font.
The default-fixed display font.
PrinterFont PrinterFont1 PrinterFont2 PrinterFont3
The font that the printer uses for the OpenEdge OUTPUT TO PRINTER statement.
[Startup][WinChar Startup]
The PROMSGS file that an application should use. For example, for an OpenEdge application to access Swedish translations of Progress error messages, set PROMSGS to c:\Progress\OpenEdge\prolang\swe\promsgs.swe.