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GUI for .NET Primer
Events : .NET event loop

.NET event loop

An application must use the .NET event loop when there is a chance it might use GUI for .NET. Incorporating the .NET event loop into your ABL application is Step 4 in the following list of steps that are required to create and manage a .NET form:
1. Instantiate the form and its controls using the NEW function for classes
2. Initialize the form, together with its controls
3. Subscribe handlers to appropriate .NET events
4. Execute a .NET WAIT-FOR statement, which calls an appropriate .NET input-blocking method for the form
5. After the form closes and the WAIT-FOR statement returns, do any post-form-closing tasks, such as resource clean-up, that your application might require
For more information about blocking on .NET forms, see OpenEdge Development: GUI for .NET Programming.