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Core Business Services - Security and Auditing
Auditing : Querying and Reporting on Audit Data : Audit data querying and reporting : Reporting on a single database with multiple GUIDs
Reporting on a single database with multiple GUIDs
If a reporting requirement is to group related data for a specific database, note that it is possible that a single database GUID (_db-guid) can change over the lifetime of the database, such as following an update to the database passkey, for example. Therefore, data for a single database could, in fact, require reading multiple database GUID values.
There is no easy way to determine which of the GUID values are for the same database. One possible way is through the structured use of the description field or possibly using the custom detail field on the _db-detail record, or alternatively reading the list of GUID values from the originating short-term database if access to this database is available.