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OpenEdge Messaging and ESB : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ architecture : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect
The OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect (ServerConnect) architecture combines the adapter with the OpenEdge Servers (WebSpeed and AppServer). ServerConnect runs a single adapter process per ubroker process, allowing multiple server processes to connect to this single adapter process, as shown in the following figure. The SonicMQ Broker acts as a service point for all JMS sessions.
Figure 29. OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ServerConnect
ServerConnect is a direct connection to the SonicMQ Broker. This connection provides complete end-to-end messaging. Additionally, ServerConnect supports JMS domain unification, client persistence, fault tolerant connections, server-based message selectors, serialized connection objects, temporary destinations, TempTable messages, DataSet messages, and enhanced XML support.
Progress Software Corporation recommends that you use ServerConnect if your AppServer will be doing messaging. This way, you have a single server process to manage and access to features such as fault tolerance. (As compared to BrokerConnect, discussed below, that requires two server processes and is not fault tolerant.) You can use particular AppServer or WebSpeed servers to manage particular SonicMQ connections, minimizing the number of SonicMQ connections required. The embedded process that runs inside of the AppServer or WebSpeed server is multi-threaded and allows for multiple SonicMQ connections within the same process.
OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer allows you to manage the ubroker properties required for ServerConnect.