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OpenEdge Messaging and ESB : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ architecture : OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ BrokerConnect
OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ BrokerConnect
The OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ BrokerConnect (BrokerConnect) architecture consists of both a Server to the OpenEdge Client and a Client to the SonicMQ Broker. BrokerConnect requires the client to access the adapter container by specifying connection parameters for the controlling NameServer or OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ instance (if not registered with a controlling NameServer) when the JMS session is created.
Each instance of BrokerConnect is a single broker process running one or more client threads (servers in OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer), as shown in the following figure. Each client thread talks to an OpenEdge application on one side and a SonicMQ Broker on the other side. BrokerConnect acts as the JMS client to the SonicMQ session. You can also start more than one BrokerConnect instance under a single controlling NameServer.
Figure 30. OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ BrokerConnect
BrokerConnect is not a direct connection to the SonicMQ Broker. Therefore, BrokerConnect cannot provide the Quality of Service (QOS) between an ABL client and the SonicMQ Broker that ClientConnect and ServerConnect offer.
BrokerConnect is managed by the Unified Broker framework, which includes OpenEdge Management/OpenEdge Explorer and related command-line utilities.
BrokerConnect supports JMS domain unification, server-based message selectors, serialized connection objects, temporary destinations, TempTable messages, DataSet messages, and enhanced XML support. BrokerConnect does not support fault tolerance and client persistence.
You should use BrokerConnect if you are concerned about the size of your ABL session or server process, or machine resources.
Note: BrokerConnect is functionally equivalent to the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ architecture supported in releases earlier than Release 10.1A.