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Application and Integration Services
Application and Integration Services in OpenEdge : What are application and integration services? : Application and integration services in OpenEdge : Integration service support
Integration service support
The OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ®, Web services tools, and the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB® provide the core technologies for developing integration services in OpenEdge. The SonicMQ Adapter allows an OpenEdge (or SpeedScript) application to become a client of the Java™ Message Service (JMS) backbone provided by SonicMQ. As a JMS client, the OpenEdge application can exchange messages in a variety of formats with other OpenEdge or non-OpenEdge applications that also use SonicMQ as their JMS backbone. For more information on the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ, see OpenEdge Messaging and ESB. For more information on SonicMQ, see the SonicMQ product documentation.
The Web services tools support the development and deployment of Web services based on existing AppServer application services that can be consumed by any Web service client. Relying largely on the Open Client Toolkit for development and the Web Services Adapter (WSA) for deployment, OpenEdge Web services thus provide a means to integrate AppServer application services with any application domain that supports consuming Web services. The Web services tools also include support for the ability of OpenEdge applications to consume industry Web services in a manner very similar to accessing AppServer application services. Thus, OpenEdge applications can integrate application services developed on most any other platform, such as Java or Microsoft .NET. For more information on OpenEdge support for Web services, see Web Services: Architecture and Tools
The OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB allows ABL procedures to be accessed from the Sonic Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). ABL procedures are exposed in one of two ways: the Native Invocation methodology, or the Web Service Invocation methodology. When exposed to the Enterprise Service Bus, ABL procedures can then be integrated with other services and made available to a wide variety of application types and platforms using the integration technology provided by Sonic ESB. For more information on the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB, see OpenEdge Messaging and ESB. For more information on Sonic ESB, see the Sonic ESB product documentation.