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Working with XML
Reading and Writing XML Data from Temp-Tables and ProDataSets : Using XML Schema : ABL representation of temp-tables and ProDataSets as XML Schema

ABL representation of temp-tables and ProDataSets as XML Schema

Note: The following information is advanced and optional. You do not need to understand any of this to successfully use the features described in this chapter.
The XML Schema for a temp-table consists of a complex type definition for the fields (a sequence of field definitions), followed by any index definitions. The XML Schema for a ProDataSet consists of a complex type definition for the member temp-table buffers (a sequence of temp-table complex type definitions) followed by any index and data-relation definitions. ABL provides XML Schema extensions in order to fully describe the definitions of the temp-table or ProDataSet in XML Schema.
By default, ABL XML Schema extensions are present in temp-table and ProDataSet XML Schema documents. If you do not want the ABL XML Schema extensions, set the min-xmlschema option on the methods to TRUE. The XML Schema will then omit most of the ABL-specific XML Schema attributes.
* Namespaces