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Web Services
Creating ABL Clients to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Creating an ABL Client from WSDL : Using the WSDL Analyzer : Understanding the WSDL Analyzer output
Understanding the WSDL Analyzer output
The WSDL Analyzer produces hyperlinked HTML pages in the specified target directory. The following sections describe the information for building your ABL client that you can find on each page. All the pages include hyperlinks to the other pages, so you can easily browse through the complete set.
The following table lists the information found on each page of the output.
Table 28. WSDL Analyzer output
The document heading followed by any general comments from the WSDL describing the entire WSDL file.
The URL of the WSDL file. This is always a complete path name (absolute path) to the file.
Target namespace
The target namespace of the Web service.
Service-name service
The name of the service followed by any comments included in WSDL <documentation> elements about there service.
Port types (persistent procedures)
A hyperlinked list of the port types defined in the Web service, including any specific comments about them from the WSDL.
Data types
A hyperlinked list of the complex types defined for the Web service, including any specific comments about them from the WSDL.
An index table listing all operations described in the WSDL, including the port type and service for each operation and any specific comments about the operation from the WSDL. The operation names link to the operation detail in the port type page.
Port type (persistent procedure)
The document heading.
Note: The port type is modelled as a persistent procedure, but is not actually persistent.
The defined name of the port type followed by comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements that describe the entire port type.
Basic connection (binding) information and a list of the operations defined by the port type, including comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements on each operation.
Port type page (continued)
Connection details
Provides information on how to connect to the Web service to use this port type, including the following sections:
*Connection parameters — ABL syntax for all of the Web service-related parameters that can be included in the connection parameters string passed to the ABL CONNECT( ) method, and an ABL example of how they might be used. Some of the same startup options used for execution of the WSDL Analyzer also appear in this section, such as those used to specify HTTPS and proxy server connections.
*-Service and -Port descriptions — A table listing the name of each service and the names of ports for each service that support this port type. For each service and port name, the table also includes comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements defined for each service and port. So, for example, if the port type is supported for different applications and in different locations, you might well have a corresponding choice of services and ports to make the connection.
*Example — Provides a real code example that illustrates how you might connect and set up the Web service to access the operations of the port type.
*Binding descriptions — If you specify the -b command-line option, this section appears in the document. It shows a table listing the name of each binding that supports this port type. For each binding, the table also includes comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements defined for each binding.
Operation (internal procedure) detail
A series of subsections describing each Web service operation defined for the port type mapped as an internal procedure (and user-defined function, if supported), including:
*The operation name
*Comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements
*ABL procedure prototypes (and function prototypes, if also supported)
*ABL example
*Descriptions of parameters and any return value (for a user-defined function mapping), including SOAP examples for complex types as appropriate for different service and port combinations
*Any SOAP request/response headers and SOAP faults as appropriate for different service and port combinations
Data types
The document heading followed by comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements that describe the entire types section
Datatype summary
A hyperlinked alphabetical listing of all the complex types defined for the Web service, including comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements as defined for each data type
Datatype detail
A series of subsections, one for each complex type defined for the Web service, listed in alphabetical order, and each one including comments in any WSDL <documentation> elements defined for the complex type, the XML <schema> element that defines the type, and an example of a SOAP instance
* Index and Service pages
* Operation index page
* Port type page
* Data types page