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Web Services
Introduction : Overview of SOAP Web services in OpenEdge : Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web services : Deploying a SOAP Web service : Documenting client programming requirements
Documenting client programming requirements
You might find that your SOAP Web service interface can benefit from additional client programmer documentation along with the WSDL file to aid in easily building a client. This information describes any special requirements for Web service operation parameters and other requirements for Web service binding and programming. The requirements for most parameters and their data types are based on standards supported in the WSDL file, and most Web service client toolkits support them without additional programming.
However, there are some unique features of OpenEdge support for building Web services that it might be helpful or necessary for client programmers to know:
*Open Client object model — The Open Client object model supports certain built-in object management methods whose availability and use depends on the session model of the Web service application and the particular type of Open Client object in use. For example, in a session-managed application, the instantiation of each object returns a unique ID that identifies that object and must be maintained and supplied in all method calls on that object. In general, client programmers need to understand when they can and should use these built-in methods on an object and how to use them.
*SOAP format — All Web service client platforms support a limited choice of SOAP formats, often fewer than the three supported by OpenEdge. Client programmers need to know the SOAP format that a particular Web service uses in order to know whether their client platform supports it. This information is certainly available in the WSDL, but it might be helpful to know before downloading the WSDL. Also, you might provide versions of the Web service for each supported SOAP format and identify them accordingly.
*Relational data — OpenEdge allows you to build Web services that pass complex data types as input and output parameters, thus supporting the exchange of relational data (such as ABL temp-tables and ProDataSets). For many OpenEdge SOAP Web services, the WSDL supplies all the schema information required to access these relational data, particularly for static temp-tables and ProDataSets. However, for Web services that pass dynamic temp-tables and ProDataSets, where the schema is not defined at compile-time, the client programmer needs additional documentation on the schema required to pass dynamic temp-tables and ProDataSets as input parameters.
*SOAP faults — Client programmers need to understand the format of error messages that are returned from OpenEdge Web services.
For more information on all these requirements (and more) for programming client applications to access OpenEdge SOAP Web services, see , "Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web services."