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Web Services
Introduction : Overview of SOAP Web services in OpenEdge : Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web services

Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web services

OpenEdge SOAP Web services are one of the interface types produced by the OpenEdge Open Client Toolkit. The Open Client Toolkit allows you to generate an interface that encapsulates remote ABL procedures and functions supported on an AppServer. A client application, either ABL or non-ABL, can then access these AppServer procedures and functions through the methods of the generated Open Client interface.
To produce an OpenEdge SOAP Web service with the Open Client Toolkit, you create a definition of your Web service in ProxyGen, which then generates a client interface definition, the Web Service Mapping file (WSM). Using the WSM file, you can deploy your Web service on an OpenEdge Web Services Adapter (WSA).
A typical set of tasks to create an OpenEdge SOAP Web service include:
1. Defining requirements
2. Defining the Web service in ProxyGen
3. Deploying a SOAP Web service
4. Putting the SOAP Web service into production
* Defining requirements
* Defining the Web service in ProxyGen
* Deploying a SOAP Web service
* Putting the SOAP Web service into production