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Web Services
Data Type Conversion Rules for ABL Calls to OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : CHARACTER or LONGCHAR


The following table describes the supported castings in each ABL parameter mode (INPUT and OUTPUT) between the ABL CHARACTER or LONGCHAR type and XML Schema.
Table 62. ABL data type conversion—CHARACTER or LONGCHAR
For this XML Schema type . . .
In this ABL parameter mode . . .
OpenEdge . . .
All XML Schema types where CHARACTER is the suggested ABL mapping (see Mapping XML Schema data types to ABL data types).
Attempts to format the ABL string value to match the specified XML Schema type for inclusion in the SOAP request message.2
Converts the value from the formatting of the specified XML Schema type before copying it into the ABL parameter as a string value.4
All XML Schema types where CHARACTER or LONGCHAR is not the suggested ABL mapping (see Mapping XML Schema data types to ABL data types).
Copies the string value directly, with no attempt to format it, for inclusion in the SOAP request message. OpenEdge performs minimal validation to ensure that the string contains data formatted according to the rules of the XML Schema type.
Copies the XML Schema value directly from the SOAP response message to the ABL parameter unchanged from its XML Schema format.

1 On both INPUT and OUTPUT parameters, OpenEdge translates the value between the cpinternal code page and Unicode.

2 The process of serializing and de-serializing CHARACTER data inserts and removes XML character references, for example, replacing "<" with "&lt;".

3 On both INPUT and OUTPUT parameters, OpenEdge translates the value between the cpinternal code page and Unicode.

4 The process of serializing and de-serializing CHARACTER data inserts and removes XML character references, for example, replacing "<" with "&lt;".

5 On both INPUT and OUTPUT parameters, OpenEdge translates the value between the cpinternal code page and Unicode.

6 On both INPUT and OUTPUT parameters, OpenEdge translates the value between the cpinternal code page and Unicode.