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Web Services
Creating ABL Clients to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Connecting to OpenEdge SOAP Web Services from ABL : Binding to a Web service : Binding to a server object handle
Binding to a server object handle
As for an AppServer, use the CONNECT( ) method on the server object handle to bind that server object handle to a Web service. This is the basic syntax:
CONNECT ( connection-parameters )
A Web service binding requires and uses only the connection-parameters argument, which is a character string containing embedded parameter values to specify the binding. Note that the CONNECT( ) method is also used to connect AppServer application services. However, if the connection-parameters string contains any Web service parameters, OpenEdge assumes that the method is binding to a Web service and ignores any AppServer-specific connection parameters in the string.
* Connection parameters
* Using HTTPS
* Invoking the binding
* Binding results