You can import the glossary data from a text file. The glossary data you want to import must be in a text file, with the source and target phrases separated by commas or spaces.
Table 6–1 shows examples of comma-separated and space-separated glossaries. In both examples, the glossaries order the text phrases first by source language (English) then by target language (French).
Table 6–1: Examples of imported glossaries
Comma delimited
Space delimited
add ajouter
application programme
apply appliquer
blank space,espace
"blank space" "espace"
browse parcourir
cancel annuler
capitalize,mettre en majuscules
"capitalize" "mettre en majuscules"
change modifier
chart graphique
check cocher
choose choisir
click cliquer
"city, state","ville, départment"
"city, state" "ville, départment"
You must use quotes in an imported glossary under the following circumstances:
If you have a comma-delimited glossary and you want to include a comma as part of the text, you must use quotes around the text. For example, to include the comma in an address, you must use quotes:
"street, city","calle, ciudad"
If you have a space-delimited glossary and you want to include a phrase that has more than one word, you must use quotes around the text:
"capitalize" "mettre en majuscules"
If the string has quotes, the quotes must be quoted with a tilde (~) as shown:
"He said, ~"Hello.~"" "Il a dit, ~"Bonjour.~""
To import glossary entries from a file to an existing glossary in the project database:
1. Choose the Glossary tab to open the Glossaries tab folder.
2. Choose the Import button or choose File→ Import. The Import dialog box appears:
3. Select the name of the glossary where you want to import the glossary entries.
4. Enter the name of the text file that contains the glossary.
If you choose Files, the Import File... dialog box appears. Select a file, then choose OK:
5. Enter the code page for the glossary entries you want to import so that the Translation Manager can properly decode them.
By default, the project and kit databases you create with the Translation Manager use the “undefined” code page.
The code page you specify for the glossary depends on the code pages of the source and target languages of the glossary, and the values you used for the Stream Code Page (-cpstream) and Internal Code Page (-cpinternal) startup parameters when you started OpenEdge.
Apply the following rules to help decide which code page to specify for the glossary:
If the source and target languages in the glossary have the same code page but ‑cpstream has another code page, select the code page for the source/target languages.
If the source and target languages in the glossary and -cpstream have the same code page, accept the default.
If the source and target code pages in the glossary are different, make sure the source code page is the same as the value of -cpinternal, then select the undefined code page in the Import dialog box.
Note: You can determine the values of -cpstream and -cpinternal by using the SESSION:CPSTREAM and SESSION:CPINTERNAL attributes, respectively.
For more information on -cpstream and -cpinternal, see OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications.
6. Choose the Options button to expand the Import dialog box:
7. Specify the order in which the glossary organizes the phrases.
8. Specify whether the glossary uses a space or a comma as a delimiter between source and target phrases, then choose OK.