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ABL Reference
Handle Attributes and Methods Reference : QUALIFIED-USER-ID attribute


Sets or reads the values of the USER-ID attribute (user name) and DOMAIN-NAME attribute separated by the '@' domain delimiter. This value represents a fully qualified user identity that you can use to establish identity in ABL sessions or database connections using the SECURITY-POLICY:SET-CLIENT( ) method or the SET-DB-CLIENT function. This user ID is then used to authorize such actions as accessing resources (run-time permissions checking) and providing an auditing identity, among other things. For a multi-tenant database connection, the user's identity also establishes the user's database tenant organization.
Data type: CHARACTER
Access: Readable/Writeable
Applies to: Client-principal object handle
You can write a character expression to this attribute using one of the formats in the following table, where user-name is a specified value for the USER-ID attribute and domain-name is a specified value for the DOMAIN-NAME attribute.
Table 95. Formats for assigning the QUALIFIED-USER-ID attribute
This format...
The blank user in the blank domain
The blank user in the blank domain
The blank user in the specified domain
The specified user in the blank domain
The specified user in the blank domain
"user-name@ domain-name"
The specified user in the specified domain
When you read this attribute, it can return the values shown in the following table.
Table 96. Values returned when reading the QUALIFIED-USER-ID attribute
This value is returned...
The blank user in the blank domain
The blank user in the specified domain
The specified user in the blank domain
"user-name@ domain-name"
The specified user in the specified domain
Unknown value (?)
USER-ID or DOMAIN-NAME attributes that have not yet been set
Once the client-principal object is sealed, this attribute is read-only, and attempting to write to it raises a run-time error.
ABL also raises ERROR if you attempt to assign:
*The Unknown value (?)
*Any character expression that does not conform to the allowable qualified user ID forms shown in Table 95
*A character expression when the client-principal object is sealed and in the LOGIN, LOGOUT, EXPIRED, or FAILED state (see the LOGIN-STATE attribute entry)

See also

INITIALIZE( ) method, DOMAIN-NAME attribute, USER-ID attribute