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ABL Reference
Class, Interface, and Enumeration Reference : Progress.Data.OffEndEventArgs class

Progress.Data.OffEndEventArgs class

(Windows only; GUI for .NET only)
An OffEndEventArgs object instance that is an argument to an event handler for an OffEnd event.




This class contains a private constructor; you cannot instantiate it directly.

Super Class

System.EventArgs class (from the .NET Framework)


This class does not implement interfaces (beyond those it inherits from its base class).

Public Properties

Public Methods

This class does not contain methods (beyond those it inherits from its base class).

Public Events

This class does not contain events (beyond those it inherits from its base class).


For information on the public class members inherited from the System.EventArgs class, refer to the .NET Framework class library.

See also

Batching property, OffEnd event (.NET)