CONNECT ( connection-parms
, userid , password , app-server-info ) |
Connection parameter1
-AppService application-service
If you connect through a NameServer, the name of an Application Service supported by the specified NameServer. (Defaults to the default service for the specified Name Server.) If you connect directly to an AppServer, this parameter is ignored.
-H host_name IP-address
The network address to a NameServer machine or, if you connect directly, to an AppServer machine. You can specify either the TCP/IP host name or the Internet protocol address of the machine. (Defaults to localhost)
-S service-name port-number
The UDP port number for a NameServer, or, if you connect directly, the TCP/IP port number for an AppServer connection. You can specify either an explicit port number or a service name. If you use a service name, the method uses the port number associated with that name in the TCP/IP services file. (Defaults to 5162)
If specified, the -H and -S parameters are interpreted as the network address and TCP/IP port number of an AppServer connection. Otherwise, the -H and -S parameters are interpreted as the network address and UDP port number of a NameServer.
If specified, the connection is direct to the AppServer using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) tunneling.
(Used in conjunction with the -AppService, -H, and -S parameters).
Note: Be sure you need SSL before using this option. SSL incurs more or less heavy performance penalties, depending on resources and load.
If specified, the connection does not reuse the SSL session ID when reconnecting to the same SSL-enabled server (either a Web server with HTTPS or an SSL-enabled AppServer).
If specified, turns off host verification for an SSL-enabled connection, either using HTTPS with the AIA or using a direct connection to an SSL-enabled AppServer. Without this parameter specified, the client compares the host name specified in the connection with the Common Name specified in the server certificate, and raises an error if they do not match. With this parameter specified, the client never raises the error. For more information, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Core Business Services - Security and Auditing.
-pf filename
A text file containing any of the other AppServer connection parameters described in this table or Table 70. If this file contains any other OpenEdge startup parameters, the method ignores them.
-AppServerKeepalive capstr
Indicates that the client would like to employ the AppServer Keepalive protocol on this connection, if supported and enabled by the AppServer. To enable the protocol, specify the allowServerASK value for capstr. To disable the protocol, specify denyServerASK.
The default value is allowServerASK.
The absence of this property indicates that the default value for the ServerASK protocol will be used on this connection.
-URL Web-or-AppServer-path
An HTTP (or HTTPS-based) URL to an AIA (for an Internet-secure AppServer connection) oran AppServer-based URL (with or without SSL tunneling for an SSL-enabled AppServer connection). For more information on connecting to an AppServer using a URL, see OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.
Note: Be sure you need SSL (either, and especially both, an HTTPS or SSL-enabled AppServer) before using this option. SSL at any point in a networked application incurs more or less heavy performance penalties, depending on resources and load.
Connection parameter
Session model/ default
-sessionModel sessionModel
Session model supported by the AppServer operating mode, specified by one of the following values:
This value is not case sensitive.
This parameter is required for session-free applications and is optional for session-managed applications.
This value must match the AppServer operating mode or the CONNECT( ) method fails.
The default value is Session-managed.
-connectionLifetime nSeconds
The maximum number of seconds that a given connection can be used before it is destroyed. Connections whose lifetime exceeds the specified value are destroyed as they become available.
An available connection is one that is not currently reserved to run a request. Bound connections associated with remote persistent procedures are not available for re-use until the persistent procedure is deleted. So, bound connections remain available as long as necessary, even if they exceed the specified value.
The default value is 300 seconds.
-initialConnections nConnections
The number of connections established when the CONNECT( ) method executes on a given server handle. The value must be greater than zero. If the specified number of connections cannot be created, the CONNECT( ) method fails and any successfully-created connections are closed.
The default value is 1.
-maxConnections nConnections
The maximum number of connections that can be created for a given server handle to execute non-persistent external procedures. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. If this value is zero, there is no limit to the number of connections that can be created.
Note: For calls to persistent procedures, their internal procedures, and user-defined functions, the client has no limit on the number of connections that can be created.
The default value is 0.
-nsClientMaxPort portNum
The maximum value for the UDP port number used by the client when communicating with the NameServer. If this value is zero, the AVM chooses the NameServer client port randomly. This value should be greater than or equal to the value of the -nsClientMinPort parameter.
The default value is 0.
-nsClientMinPort portNum
The minimum value for the UDP port number used by the client when communicating with the NameServer. If this value is zero, the AVM chooses the NameServer client port randomly.
The default value is 0.
-nsClientPicklistExpiration nSeconds
The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the client retains an AppServer pick list for an application service.
The default value is 300.
-nsClientPicklistSize nPicks
The number of AppServer picks to request from the NameServer each time it looks up the available AppServer connections for a given application service name.
The default value is 1.
-nsClientPortRetry nRetries
The maximum number of attempts that the client makes to get a valid local UDP port number when attempting to communicate with the NameServer.
The default value is 0.
-nsClientDelay nMilliSeconds
The interval, in milliseconds, that the client waits between attempts to get a valid UDP port number when attempting to communicate with the NameServer.
The default value is 0.