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Programming Interfaces
External Program Interfaces : System Clipboard : Single-item data transfers

Single-item data transfers

Each single-item data transfer moves data between the ABL data item and the clipboard. During a paste operation, all data stored in the clipboard is transferred to the data item. During a cut or copy operation, the value of the ABL data item replaces any and all data in the clipboard.
Clipboard operations are typically invoked by Cut, Copy, and Paste options on an Edit menu. You can implement these operations in a general way using the FOCUS system handle (for more information, see the FOCUS Handle reference entry in OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference). This allows you to program two types of actions that:
*Determine what clipboard operations are available (enabled and disabled) at any point
*Specify how each clipboard operation is implemented when it is available
* Enabling and disabling clipboard operations
* Implementing single-item transfers
* Single-item transfer example