To verify that your HLC application is installed correctly in Windows, run the sample application.
To run the sample application in Windows:
1. Create a working directory, and then go to it.
Note: Before you develop your own applications, move c.bat to a directory that is in your path and move hlc.h to your include file directory or current working directory.
2. Copy the example HLC files to your working directory:
copy %DLC%\oebuild\hlc\examples\*.*
3. Create an empty database:
prodb tankdb empty.
4. Load and run the ABL programs loaddb.p and initdb.p.
5. Compile the C source files to create object files in your current directory:
c tankdsp.c hlvcalc.c
6. Run the OEBuild utility using tankdsp and hlvcalc as object files for the HLC application.
For more information on the OEBuild utility, see the appendix on building executables in OpenEdge Deployment: Managing ABL Applications.
7. Copy the .def and .res files to your current working directory:
copy %DLC%\oebuild\_prowin.*
8. Link your test HLC module using the link script OEBuild generates:
link @_prowin.lnk
9. Link in the resource files:
rc -k _prowin.res
10. Run hltank.p.
After you run hltank.p, verify that the results you obtain are correct by comparing them to the following results that list the input values for radius, tlength, and depth, and the correct output for tavail: