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Programming Interfaces
External Program Interfaces : ActiveX Control Support : Handling events : Handling control-frame widget events
Handling control-frame widget events
You can handle field-level widget events for the control-frame like ABL events for any other dynamic ABL widget, with ABL triggers built from the ON statement or the trigger-phrase of the CREATE statement.
The control-frame supports a subset of field-level widget events that ABL requires for:
*Managing application execution — Universal key function events: END-ERROR (which occurs when the END key is pressed), GO, and HELP
*Tabbing between the control and other field-level widgets — Navigation key function events: TAB and BACK-TAB
*Detecting any change of focus — High-level widget events: ENTRY and LEAVE
*Handling programmer-defined events — Developer events: U1 through U10
Note: Unlike earlier support for VBX controls, you do not have to handle key function events as KeyPress events. With VBX controls, you had to trap key functions as KeyPress events in a VBX control event handler, then apply them to the VBX control-container widget to handle with corresponding key function event triggers. With ActiveX controls, your triggers on the control-frame widget now handle the supported function events automatically.