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Binding ABL Data to .NET Controls : Understanding the ProBindingSource : Constructors


The ProBindingSource provides several overloaded constructors to handle binding to the various ABL data source objects. The following syntax shows the various constructors:


PUBLIC BindingSource ( INPUT query-hdl AS HANDLE
                  [ , INPUT include-fields AS CHARACTER,
                       INPUT except-fields AS CHARACTER] )

PUBLIC BindingSource ( INPUT dataset-hdl AS HANDLE
                [ , { INPUT parent-buffer-name AS CHARACTER
                    | INPUT parent-buffer-hdl AS HANDLE }]
                  [ , INPUT include-fields AS CHARACTER,
                      INPUT except-fields AS CHARACTER ] )

PUBLIC BindingSource ( INPUT buffer-hdl AS HANDLE
                  [ , INPUT include-fields AS CHARACTER,
                      INPUT except-fields AS CHARACTER] )

PUBLIC BindingSource ( )
* Field lists
* Binding to queries
* Binding to buffers
* Binding to ProDataSets
* Special case: unbound class instance